46 Mittsu

Closed down on 10 March 2024. We can't wait to see you in the your next venture. You can follow them at Instagram @feedingbaddecisions. On the side note, the place is being converted into a bakery + coffee stall. Feel free to check it out!

Oddle: https://46mittsu.oddle.me/en_SG/

Hot mess, ensured. That's what the boys said at 46 Mittsu.

46 Mittsu is cofounded by a group of boys (super hipster, btw), who took Sandos to the next level. Their notable sandos are B.E.C (aka Bacon Egg Cheese), God Feather and Disco Jang Jang.

© 2023 Tanjong Pagar Road - A community-run directory

© 2023 Tanjong Pagar Road - A community-run directory

© 2023 Tanjong Pagar Road - A community-run directory